Food Talk Review and Videos
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Thank you to all that came out for the Food Talk! Dave and Jess did a great job summarizing what is good food and why quality matters. Below is the lecture broken into 2 videos. Dave spoke for 45 minutes; Jess spoke for 15 minutes and there are 15 minutes of Q & A.
There were also 2 handouts given to most folks who attended (we ran out).
The first one is: Okay -- What Do I Eat by Dave Werner
The second one is: A Philosphy for Eating by Jessica Mullen
Food Talk: Level 4 CrossFit Seattle JAN 2010 Part I from Nancy Meenen on Vimeo.
Food Talk: Level 4 CrossFit Seattle JAN 2010 Part II from Nancy Meenen on Vimeo.