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Paleo Potluck -- best potluck food ever!

Sunday, May 31, 2009

That was some really good food. Thanks so much to everyone for sharing a great meal and bringing their recipes. And special thanks to Jim for bringing his BBQ and a mountain of incredible meat and veggies!

Scott Takenaga: 5 YEARS!!

Friday, May 29, 2009

Five years ago this month Scott walked into our old place at Magnuson Park (back in the CrossFit North days) and said he wanted to see what CrossFit was about. Dave found out Scott had just graduated from Ashmead and was interested in learning more about training. The rest is history.

We really can't tell you how fortunate we feel that Scott walked through the door and had a desire to work with us. Scott is definitely one of the cornerstones of CrossFit Seattle and it's success. Thank you Scott!

Steven and Jason at the NW Qualifier

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Steven and Jason represented CF Seattle at the NW Regional Qualifier on May 16th. Nice going guys! Steven did the morning lifts even though he was very much under the weather!


Thursday, May 21, 2009

For Memorial Day we will have a

9:00am class
10:00am class

and then close.

PALEO POTLUCK: Friday May 29 at 7:00pm

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Friday, May 29 at 7:00pm

Q&A at 7:45pm
We'll answer questions and discuss progress

This is a little more than the 1/2 way mark for all those competing in the Spring LEANing Challenge so we are coming together to encourage each other to stick with it! Bring your favorite Paleo dish along with a few copies of the recipe for sharing.

Gym Closure May 15 and May 16 for Qualifier

Monday, May 11, 2009

CrossFit Seattle will be closed on:
Friday, May 15th starting at 1:00pm and
Saturday, May 16th all day

We apologize for any inconvenience to our wonderful clients.

If you can, please come down to Magnuson Park, Hangar 30 to cheer on our own Jason Peacock and Steven Bin as they compete! The morning event starts at 9:00am.

For more info, go here.

$2100....who wants it the most??

Friday, May 1, 2009

70 people signed up for the Spring LEANing Challenge! The winner takes all; $2100, plus one month of unlimited classes. Tune-in in 7 weeks to find out who wanted it the most!