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2008 12 Days of CrossFit -- pics are finally up

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Go here for the album.

Monkey Opens Coconut - exercise

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Monkey Opens Coconut from Nancy Meenen on Vimeo.

Kellie, Dave and Alex open the coconut

The movement looks exactly like it sounds. Reach to full height with both arms overhead and quickly drive both hands all the way to the floor. Violent images of smashing a coconut on a rock help get this right. Working yourself into an angry fit REALLY helps.

Resistance to the movement comes from rigging a jump-stretch band to a pull-up bar. Reach up and grasp the band at full extension. Because the elastic band provides a non-linear resistance, it is better to link 2 or 3 bands together and find a higher anchor. In the video we are using 2 bands and a 10 foot high bar.

The point of this movement is to contract the entire front of your body at once. This is quite similar to chopping, sledge-hammering or slam-ball. The difference in using a band for resistance is that we get a very substantial eccentric component. You WILL be surprised by control problems as you stand back up. Have fun!

Dave Werner

Row 2000 meters - some results

Friday, February 20, 2009

Some of the fastest men on the 2000-meter row yesterday:

Jason P at 6:58 (with a stroke rate of 24 strokes per minute!)
Ryan, 7:03
Jim H, 7:05

Some of the fastest women rowers:

The petite powerhouse Jamilee, 8:03
Emily, 8:09 - she took about 30 seconds off her time from November.
Erika, 8:31

Great job everyone!

Here's Emily after her epic row:

New CLASS times and Info on NW Regional Qualifier for the CrossFit Games

Thursday, February 5, 2009

We have added 2 more classes to the schedule:
Monday's at 4:00pm
Friday's at 4:00pm

Both classes are taught by Scott.

Also, registration is now open for the Northwest Regional Qualifier for the CrossFit Games.
Click here for more information.

Mike Neill rows at Ergomania 2009

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Longtime CrossFitter Mike Neill rowed 1000 meters in 3:37 at Ergomania 2009, the indoor rowing championships held at Seattle U last weekend. Way to go, Mike! He competed in the "Men's Veteran A 1x (50-59) - 1000 meters" division, in which he was the only entrant (and took first place).

Other men were rowing near Mike at the time, but Mike had by far the most solid stroke and maintained his stamina until the end. All that CrossFit and rowing classes have paid off.

The event had about a bazillion divisions, which you can view here.

Rowing at Ergomania 2009 from Fran Mason on Vimeo.