Gymnastics Certification: Good Times!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Thank you to Jeff Tucker and Jason Malutich from GSX Athletics in Ft. Worth, TX for making the trek to Seattle and breaking down some attainable gymnastic moves for us. We had a great time and learned alot! I've already heard back from people who took the cert about how they are implementing the things they learned in their CrossFit classes. We look forward to possibly having Jeff and Jason back here again next year.
Consider attending the Gymnastics Cert with Jeff Tucker
Monday, July 7, 2008
I've been getting inquiries about the Gymnastics Cert with Jeff Tucker and wanted to clarify a few things. This Cert is for anyone. Everything is broken down in such a way that you can attempt and make improvements on all the movements that Jeff will be going over.
One of the reasons we wanted Jeff to come up to Seattle so much is because I saw the way he broke things down and made them accessible for everyone. The techniques that he teaches will help everyone be able to work towards and accomplish the gymnastics components that are used in the WODs. There is NO tumbling in this Cert. This is all about teaching you skills and techniques so that you can be a better CrossFitter. And like I said, Jeff breaks it down so that everyone at every level can accomplish the moves. It's really great stuff and I'm hoping that many of you will consider signing up.
The other thing you should know is that the $400 price is a steal. This is an anomaly. Jeff's Certifications from here forward are $595.00 so please consider taking advantage of this great opportunity!
Please feel free to email me if you have questions:
For more information on this Certification go here.
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