Women's Barbell Clinic at CrossFit Seattle
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Women who haven't used barbells: come find out why barbell exercises are so great and why you should use them.
CrossFit women with limited barbell experience: Come and ask questions. Fill in some gaps in your knowledge in a friendly female setting.
Women who use and love barbells: please come help spread the enthusiasm, help beginners, show off your heavy lifts, and trade coaching tips.
Are you using the Paleo and/or Zone eating plans while training? Bring your favorite recipes to trade.
Class size is limited to 12 people. To sign up or ask questions, email fran at crossfitseattle.com
Date: Saturday, April 19, 2:00 to 4:00 PM or so
Price: $30.
After practicing, we will have an improvised CrossFit Total: three attempts at each of the three lifts. You can add weight and find out how much you can lift; or practice your form some more at a light weight; or watch and ask questions. An unofficial CFT is especially good for women who have wanted to participate in a CFT but had not figured out what weights they should attempt.
Additionally if time allows we'll look at the short video clips I'll make of people's lifts; I'll put them on CD for everyone afterward either way.
We're located right down the street from Hale's Ales, so sign up and let's plan to continue the party afterwards for people who are hungry after all that lifting.